Inspiration > Family Spaces

Home Designs That Offer Mental Health Benefits

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Architecture and home design play a crucial role in our everyday lives.

As early as the 1950s, studies on how the built environment affects our thoughts, feelings and perception have been done. More than the aesthetics, how our homes are built and designed affect the way we think and behave, thus affecting relationships within the family as well as outside of it. With this in mind, there are certain home design elements that when incorporated into the home can improve mental health, productivity, and overall quality of life:

Go with the easy flow

A decorative feature, fountain, is not just garden décor anymore. Nowadays, fountains can be brought inside the home and are design pieces that add sophistication and ambiance. Indoor water features come in three types: wall-mounted, free-standing and tabletop. Regardless of size, design and material, fountains bring a sense of Zen into your abode. The sound of flowing water has a calming and soothing effect, making your stress and worry dissipate as soon as you step into your home. Think of it as your personal spa. Hearing the sounds of nature inside your home (even if the weather outside is not quite pleasant) is a simple yet effective way of achieving serenity and relaxation.

home design for mental health

Photo courtesy of Chicago Geek via Flickr

Veranda views and our moods

A beautifully designed garden veranda can make any outdoor area more attractive and certainly give the discerning house a homey effect. A veranda is a fantastic area for family bonding, long conversations and communing with nature. There is a wide variety of styles to choose from to suit the existing design of your home.

Having a veranda also allows you to breathe in some fresh air and catch a little sunlight. We all know that Vitamin D is essential for our immune systems, but getting some sun also improves our mood significantly. Enough sunlight exposure in a day helps our bodies produce endorphins and serotonin, natural hormones produced by the body that affect our emotions.

Also, gazing out at natural sceneries has a restorative effect on the mind, a theory that was developed by psychologists Stephen and Rachel Kaplan of the University of Michigan. Green spaces also help children perform better in school and lower symptoms of ADHD.

veranda views

Photo courtesy of Grant Mcdonald via Flickr

The power of flowers  

Keeping a container garden made up of decorative vines and flowering plants inside your home has several physical as well as mental health benefits. Aside from keeping the air clean, studies have found plants help in enhancing cognitive function, thus enabling better focus. Having a pot or two of scented flowers inside your home office would also help reduce stress and anxiety. Research done by Park and Mattson showed patients in hospital rooms with flowers and potted plants were in a more positive psychological state than patients in rooms without plants. The spray of colorful flowers from indoor flowers will soften even the most austere of home interior while boosting creativity, self-esteem and happiness levels. Remember that less saturated colors are more relaxing than bold ones, which have an energizing effect, so pick your potted plants carefully according to what you need.

indoor plants for health

Photo courtesy of Neonzu 1 via Flickr

Let there be light!

Natural light can make a world of difference for your home (and your well-being) if you let in more of it. Abundant natural light streaming through the windows helps jump-start your day, effortlessly lifts your mood and makes you more productive. According to Emily Anthes’ article, “lighter, brighter spaces with full-spectrum lighting increase alertness and help guard against depression and, later in life, against cognitive decline.” Plus, you enjoy all these intangible benefits while lowering energy consumption.

Big windows in your living area as well as the kitchen will make these spaces feel more open and conducive to doing activities such as reading and cooking. You can also add a skylight to the bathroom, which will help you see better when putting on makeup or shaving. More sunlight means less use of the harsh fluorescent light that makes your skin look tired and patchy. This way, you get to see yourself in a new light, both literally and figuratively.

If renovation sounds tedious, just replace your current window treatment. Take down the thick drapery and heavy blinds and put up curtains made of light fabric like linen instead. You can also install Venetian blinds.

indoor lighting effects

Photo courtesy of Wolfgang Staudt

Height also matters

High ceilings give a home a greater sense of space and openness. It gives a home an elegant and upscale feel because of the dramatic height that can be perfectly accentuated with an equally elegant glass chandelier. Aside from the design perspective, having a high ceiling allows natural ventilation and lighting to come in.

It also encourages abstract and creative thought. Coupled with large windows, you’ll find yourself constantly looking outside, especially if you have a fantastic view of the city skyline or lush greenery. It’s an instant way to recharge and refresh your mind and is absolutely free at that!

ceiling height

Photo courtesy of via Flickr

The home should always be a place where we can find respite and comfort in the physical as well as psychological sense. Incorporating these practical and doable design ideas will aid in achieving a well-balanced life.

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Aby League
More about Aby League

Aby League is a qualitative researcher and a passionate writer. She is an innovator and technology enthusiast. She has been writing about health, psychology, home improvement and technology. You can see more of her articles on Elite Daily. To know her more, follow @abyleague.

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